
love. Love. LOVE.

I feel like I should have something wonderful to say today. Like today's post should be special because this day is special. But the only thing that's really special about this day is that it is one day of the year where PDA is accepted, red and pink are allowed to be worn together, and it's okay to dot your i's with little hearts. That's all it is. Don't get me wrong I LOVE all of those things. I can kiss my fiance at school tonight and proudly hold his hand (but I do that anyway), I'm wearing a nice pink sweater with my toes painted red, and in my day timer Valentine's Day is written in pink with a little heart over the i. I LOVE holidays, and this one is no different. While I do think that this day nearly rivals Christmas for having it's true meaning lost in gifts and commercialism, I suppose it has served one purpose because I'm sitting at my desk writing this post with a brain just full of things and people I LOVE. The usual things come to mind first; family friends, the church, my Heavenly Father. Then the smaller more unusual things that make my days; the smell of spring, clean laundry, a message from an old friend, homemade desserts. I'm grateful today for the thing I LOVE. But today is Monday, so Eric has class tonight til 10. I have my Valentine's date with the treadmill and medicine ball for tonight, but he'll Be Mine tomorrow night.
He was so good to me still this morning though and surprised me with a visit, a lunch and a ride to work. That guy is just so good to me. I am grateful today for the ways I am LOVED.
There are the big things that get through life;
- the things that Eric does for me all the time to keep me sane, and to let me know I'm loved
- the support and encouragement I get (and we get) from our families help me to stay strong and happy through the difficult times
- the ways my Father in Heaven loves me and blesses me with the little things I need and want. this week was a good one for that. everything I needed and wanted, that I didn't know how I was going to work out, was given to me by Him, just in the nick of time.
There are the small things that get me through the days;
- a little Valentine from a friend at work
- extra chocolates in my lunches
- phone calls from home, or phone calls to home, with people on the other end who are excited to hear from me
- rides to and from work when i get to sit perfectly close to Eric, and not uncomfortably close to strange people on the train
Today, as well as every other regular day of the year, I am so blessed. I am spoiled. I am LOVED!

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