Life is MARCHing on!
Support and Encouragement
President Dieter Uchtdorf on Discipleship:
"the very moment we set foot upon the pathway of discipleship, seen and unseen blessings from God begin to attend us."
"Oh, it is wonderful to know that our Heavenly Father loves us-even with all our flaws! His love is such that even should we give up on ourselves, He never will."
"It is never too late."
"[Jesus Christ] is the redeemer of the world. He lived a perfect life and atoned for our sins. He will ever be at our side. He will fight our battles. He is our hope; He is our salvation; He is the way."
woman the Savior needs me to be?" - Sherry Dew
We talked a lot about our divine roles as women, something I have not always appreciated as much as I've been taught to. We talked about becoming the woman He needs us to be, and how to do that. As we sang the song More Holiness Give Me, from the hymn book, I thought of how I don't need to do it alone. Becoming a woman that the savior can rely on to get things done, and be what He needs me to be, is a daunting task; one I'm not sure I'm upto yet. But I have His help, and the help of those around me to become what I need to. I am not in it alone, and I will never have to be. I will always have the support of my Father in Heaven, and of the savior, as long as I ask for it.
The thing that I LOVE most of all, is that my Heavenly Father has a plan for me, and I am starting to recognize, accept and embrace the details of that plan. If you don't believe he has a plan for you, just make one for yourself and watch as life plays out in the complete opposite way that you imagined. Note how you feel when it does. Thank Him for knowing best what to do with you and your life. I LOVE that I have been trusted with the divine responsibility of taking care of Eric for the rest of our lives, even though I never planned for it to happen that way.
Worked out.
S M T W Th F S
Sunday: I go to church. I have a day to relax from work, and from errands, to anticipate what will happen that week. Sunday is a chance to recharge my battery and my motivation. Usually something learned or heard at church helps me to refocus my attention and goals to make the following week productive and encouraging. Sunday is the calm before the storm.
Monday: Sometimes Monday are discouraging. Right after the weekend, I often have a hard time getting up and starting my week. I never start Mondays in a positive way, and I feel that sometimes the dreary stress of Monday seems to suck out the energy and enthusiasm that came from Sunday. It's my day to look back on all the things I didn't get done on the weekend, that I now have to sort out.
Tuesday: Usually feels a little better than Monday. Tuesday seems to be the day when I can look at Monday for what it was (just one crumby day out of a week), and move on. Having said that, on Tuesday there is still almost an entire week ahead and it's still hard to see the end. I gain a little more perspective than I had on Monday (when my vision was clouded by tired eyes and bad hair days), and I am just pushing through.
Wednesday: Hump day. My favourite day of the working week. Wednesdays make me feel like I've already conquered the hard half of the week. At the end of Wednesday, you're closer to the weekend than you are to Monday. Wednesday gives me back my motivation to do better. With the weekend in sight, and the two worst days of the week under my belt, my vision is cleared, and I am better able to long for a brand new weekend, instead of mourning the past one.
Thursday: Is like Christmas eve. I know that Friday isn't quite considered the weekend, but nothing too stressful happens on Fridays. Thursday is the day before the end of the week. It is the day where I feel like I need to get things done so that I can relax after that. Think about it, the bank, the fabric store and my doctor's office are all open late on Thursdays. Why? So we can get things done, which were missed so far this week, and which can't wait til after the weekend.
Friday: Is casual day. At work and in life, I feel like. I get to wear whatever I want to work, and there is hardly anyone to see or work to do in the office. Fridays are a mini day off, where I am sitting at work, but not really working (although basically everyday is like that at this job). Friday is the night I get to stay out late and do whatever I want. I still want to reward myself with a rest and some fun after a day of work (which I think is what makes Friday night more fun than Saturday night), but I'm not at all tired because work was casual and lazy that day.
Saturday: Saturday morning is almost always relaxing. The weekend has to be two days long, because usually only half the things I plan for Saturday actually get done. It's a slow moving day. From sleeping in, to eating whatever I want when I want. This day usually has no real schedule and I am not bothered by what happens or doesn't happen on this day (until Monday when I have to worry about everything that didn't get done).
This is basically what my week usually ends up feeling like. After having Monday off though, I get to skip my least favourite feeling day of the week: Thursday. Today feels like Monday: a tired and rough start, however I am feeling good about things I got done this weekend (finally ordered wedding invitations; they'll be here in 3 weeks. went over the wedding budget with Eric's parents and they helped us to change and slim down a couple numbers; which always feels good). Tomorrow will feel like Tuesday: I'll realize I'm still alive and well after the rough blow of Monday. Thursday will turn into Hump Day. Then before I know, it will be Friday and I'll be in my jeans at work. I'm really hoping this is how it will go. It sounds like a strange theory, but I hope it will work. They say that your attitude is important in defining your mood, so I have a positive attitude about this week ahead. It will be short and easy, and won't have a Thursday. That sounds like a good week to me!
Family Day
Thank You!
The Beatles Here Comes the Sun Music Video
in the Sun.
A couple of Sickies
Then last night he was sick :( I got really sick on Monday night, and he came home early from school to snuggle me and take care of me (that was the best Valentine's present I could have gotten at that time). I was sick like I've never been before and it was strange. I was kind of scared, and he came to my rescue so fast that he was almost still out of breath (from running to the car so fast) when he got to my house. It was so great to have him there for me, he was all I needed and he came for me. It was perfect.
Then last night when he got sick, I planned to take care of him. I came straight home and turned the heat up in the apartment and tried to make it a place he would be comfortable while he tried to rest and feel better. So he came to my house after school, we ran quickly to the store, then came home so I could take care of him. Guess what happens next. I FELL ASLEEP. I fell asleep for like 3 hours, and he assured me it was okay because he did too, but I felt like the worst fiance ever. I think I might actually be the worst ever. He was there when I needed him, and then when he needed me, I fell asleep. but I got what I deserved for it. When I woke up from my nap, and this morning, I had the sorest throat. Now I have a fever too. Since I didn't take good enough care of him, his sickness spread to me.
Now we are just two sickies. He's at the doctor, instead of at school today, and I am doing no good at my job today. I am pretty much useless. I am freezing! I am sore (you know the sore you get when you're sick and cold and can't get better. everything hurts to touch you). And I am really cranky. I just can't wait for this day to be over, and it's dragging on SOOOO SLOWLY. I can't believe I still have like 2.5 hours til I can get out of here. I am seriously miserable. I just want to be at home. I want Eric to take care of me, and I want to take care of him. So in other words, I just want to snuggle with him so we can both be lazy and sick, but warm, together!
AND to make this day worse, and for further proof of my crappiness as a fiance: I forgot to put my ring back on after I put my hair product in today. So I left the house cold, in a mess, late and without my ring.....so naturally I drew one on, to make me feel better, and to be a constant little reminder of how much I actually do LOVE my life, even when things get tired, cold, sore and miserable. (Do note how blochy and veiny my hands are though. Freezing.)
love. Love. LOVE.
I feel like I should have something wonderful to say today. Like today's post should be special because this day is special. But the only thing that's really special about this day is that it is one day of the year where PDA is accepted, red and pink are allowed to be worn together, and it's okay to dot your i's with little hearts. That's all it is. Don't get me wrong I LOVE all of those things. I can kiss my fiance at school tonight and proudly hold his hand (but I do that anyway), I'm wearing a nice pink sweater with my toes painted red, and in my day timer Valentine's Day is written in pink with a little heart over the i. I LOVE holidays, and this one is no different. While I do think that this day nearly rivals Christmas for having it's true meaning lost in gifts and commercialism, I suppose it has served one purpose because I'm sitting at my desk writing this post with a brain just full of things and people I LOVE. The usual things come to mind first; family friends, the church, my Heavenly Father. Then the smaller more unusual things that make my days; the smell of spring, clean laundry, a message from an old friend, homemade desserts. I'm grateful today for the thing I LOVE. But today is Monday, so Eric has class tonight til 10. I have my Valentine's date with the treadmill and medicine ball for tonight, but he'll Be Mine tomorrow night.
He was so good to me still this morning though and surprised me with a visit, a lunch and a ride to work. That guy is just so good to me. I am grateful today for the ways I am LOVED.
There are the big things that get through life;
- the things that Eric does for me all the time to keep me sane, and to let me know I'm loved
- the support and encouragement I get (and we get) from our families help me to stay strong and happy through the difficult times
- the ways my Father in Heaven loves me and blesses me with the little things I need and want. this week was a good one for that. everything I needed and wanted, that I didn't know how I was going to work out, was given to me by Him, just in the nick of time.
There are the small things that get me through the days;
- a little Valentine from a friend at work
- extra chocolates in my lunches
- phone calls from home, or phone calls to home, with people on the other end who are excited to hear from me
- rides to and from work when i get to sit perfectly close to Eric, and not uncomfortably close to strange people on the train
Today, as well as every other regular day of the year, I am so blessed. I am spoiled. I am LOVED!