

I don't have much to say tonight, and I didn't get any time to write at work today because I was so busy doing important things. I got a ride home from work today with my future father-in-law (Trevor), and thought a little bit about what I would write on the way home.
As we drove the sun was setting and on my side you could see the beautiful downtown Calgary skyline. I wish I had a camera to capture how pretty it looked with the sun setting just beside it. As we drove past it, Trevor explained to me that he used to work in one of the buildings that is now completely covered up by this MASSIVE building they're just finishing up. It's the biggest and tallest you see on the skyline, and your eyes are immediately drawn to its grandeur. He explained to me that he sat at the window of his office (in the building now shadowed by this one), and watched them start construction on it a few years back. He said that for the last year that he worked in that building he watched them work on only the foundation. Each day that he watched them, he saw them working on just digging a hole. Even after he switched companies and didn't watch the construction anymore, they continued with the hole digging for a whole second year. Two years it took them to dig and build the foundation of this grand structure. Two whole years, without anyone from the outside seeing much progress on the work. For the workers to continue everyday, for two whole years, to dig and build what seems to be an insignificant part of the structure, demonstrates the importance of this part of the work. It made me think for just a minute, how important it is to build a steady foundation. This big and beautiful building is now almost complete.
Now, only two years since the foundation was completed, this building is very near finished. It took the same amount of time to build this entire masterpiece, with windows and detailing and a cool elevator, and everything, as it did to build it's foundation.
Building a foundation requires patience, diligence, commitment and faith. Once we push through the hard times, the delicate and wearing times, and come out with a sturdy and flawless foundation, the following building process can run smoothly and more efficiently. With a foundation built on things that will not fall, which cannot fail, we are able to build our lives into a beautiful masterpiece. If I push through the trying and time consuming process of building myself a righteous and sturdy foundation, I will be able to more easily make the decisions and commitments that follow. Things will run more smoothly, if I have a foundation that will not fail me.
This turned out to be more than I thought I would write, but I think I needed to write it. I am working right now to build the foundation I need to diligently continue to make good choices. It's hard and tedious work, but I am excited for the foundation to be complete so I can start to see a time when each day and week, month and year, feels more and more productive and significant. I LOVE that I have been blessed to know where to start in making this foundation, and that I know the importance of it.

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