The book is called Believing Christ, by Stephen E. Robinson. It's another one of those books that are just fantastic to turn to, during bumpy times. I can turn to just about any page from this book and quote something that has had some form of an affect on teh way I look at Jesus Christ, and his sacrafice for all of us. It's got some incredible things in it and I really recommend it!
This week's happy little Sunday quote comes from this book.
"No one who thinks he can work out his own salvation has the
necessary humility to recieve the cleansing of Christ's atonement:
'He offereth himself a sacrafice for sin, to answer the ends of the
law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit;
and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered' (2 Ne. 2:7)"
(Believing Christ, Robinson, 73)
Lately I've been totally stubborn, in thinking I can do everything on my own. I litterally have this vision in my mind of me needing NO help with ANYTHING. And that's the way I'm comfortable being. I'm never one to ask for help, or even recieve it well, for anything. This chapter, actually the entire book, has been great though. It's all about needing Christ's help, and being able to ask for it and accept it.
If there's something you out there are struggling with, ask someone smarter than you. There is always goign to be someone you know who's better at SOMETHING than you are: maybe he/she just has a bit more experience in that field. There is always someone around you to help. If you need the help, do not be afraid to ask. Getting help is not a weakness, and it can often help you to develop your strengths.
Your future spouse will want to rip their hair out if you don't learn to accept help from others. Jeremy is terrible at accepting help and I could kill him somedays. Don't be a Jeremy :) even though I love him and all..