Yesterday was a pretty average Monday. I woke up late, hardly got myself ready, went to work and froze on the way, and had a lousy day at work. I didn't make it to the gym yesterday because my back was SO sore I could hardly even walk. I should have gone anyway to stretch it out and help it get better, but I didn't. I stayed home and made wedding decorations and watched real estate shows on HGTV instead.
This Monday was great though, as far as mail goes. What a good day! Yesterday we were LUCKY to find:
1. Tamara Nalder's mission call. Family and friends of this wonderful girl gathered and predicted as she anxiously waited to open the envelope. Despite her certainty that she would be speaking French, she is headed to the southern states at the end of August.
2. Eric got a letter from the school saying he is on the dean's business list. That was exciting, because it means that all of his hard work and diligence is paying off, and although it is just a piece of paper, I am proud of him for working so hard to get it!
3. Wedding invitations. The invitations came to Eric's house while I was at work, so his Dad told me they were there and I was so excited all day to see them. I noticed as well this week that I ordered the wrong size envelopes (silly me: ones that fit the invites but are just a little too small to fit a photo), so I was kind of nervous to see what else would go wrong with them. On the way to Eric's house, from Tamara's house I convinced myself that I really didn't have the right to be nervous about opening mail after that, so I decided not to worry about what colour pink they turned out to be, or what kind of paper it ended up being like. Which was fine, because they ended up being PERFECT. I designed them myself, so they really aren't anything fancy or spectacular. They look just how I wanted them to though, so that is exciting.
Sometimes I just love mail. It can make everyone so happy and excited sometimes!
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