
Now Monday's for ME (and Eric and Shelby)!

I did it! I went to that restaurant I told you about last Monday, and I ate dinner for one. My $7.99 pasta was delicious and very filling. I had a penne in a creamy oregano sauce, with feta cheese, sausage, spinach, and sun dried tomatoes. It was fantastic.
Then I did the very best thing I could have done for myself tonight. I headed over to the school, where I met up with my sweetheart, then bought myself a gym membership! Eric has late class on Monday nights, water polo on Wednesday nights, and has agreed to accompany me to the gym for Saturday mornings. So I now have a solid plan to, as my friend Shelby put it tonight, "get in shape for the wedding!". Shelby is a friend I used to work with, who also goes to the school (being the university where Eric goes, and I used to go). I found out she has late class on Monday and Wednesday nights and works out there both nights. SO HANDY, right? So now her and I are workout buddies those nights, and I get to see Eric on nights that I wouldn't normally AND I have Eric to keep me on track for Saturdays. This is going to be my couple of months. I am going to make it work, and I am going to get in shape. I really am going to make it happen this time!
Now all I have to do is find my wallet so I can continue to feed this new habit. It went missing this weekend while Eric and I were out running more unsuccessful wedding errands. Luckily, today I found some solutions for those wedding situations, although I did not find my wallet. Just keep praying it turns up before my landlord comes looking for rent, and I need to go to my doctor's appointment!

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