

One of my favourite things in the world to do is to make things. Anything really. I just love it when I get a creative brainwave and am able to follow it through and make it happen. It feels so good to have that thing in the end that no one else thought of but you. That you were able to create from scratch (right from the thought process).
Working at my new job, I get a lot of time to spend at the computer. I work a lot of wedding plans. But on days like today: when Eric is in school all day and I can't talk to him, and when I find out my favourite photographer that I've seen is booked for the day of my wedding already, I like to take a break from wedding things and look at me things (although the wedding is almost entirely a ME thing as well).
I have a couple of websites that I love to look at for inspiration. Some people are just so brilliant and crafty and inspirational, that I can't help but get excited to do something when I read about them. Today I looked at a lot of things, and I need a project. I need something to work on and something to keep me busy. I need something that I can create and call my own. Something that makes me really excited.
Where do you guys get your inspiration from? Let me know, because I need a little more than I have now to get this figured out.

1 comment:

  1. Creativity is maximized when you are living in the moment
    -LuLu Lemon Water Bottle.

    I was reading on a blog recently where a girl made cute gifts for her bridesmaids? Might be a cute idea?
