
"who made this big mess?"

Saturdays seem to be the day of the week when we all take a deep breath and try to proccess what the past week has thrown at us, while anticipating what the week ahead will hold.
This Saturday morning, this family found ourselves in the midst of an absolute pig stye. We were all up early and from the beginning to the end of this wonderful day "off", we cleaned and cleaned, and ran errands, and cleaned. In all honesty though, what sounds like an absolutely awful day, is actually one of my favourite things to do on a nice breezy afternoon. I love to clean. It's true, I am a neat freak. You wouldn't know it by looking at my own bedroom (and I'm not yet sure why that is) but I kill for a really clean rest of the house.
3 things I loved about today's cleaning frenzy:
(1) A very clean floor, in a nice tidy family room, to lay on and watch a movie.
(2) Fresh new sheets on my bed to climb into at night.
(3) Finding a really old memory stick, that I thought was lost, with ton of old pictures on it.
Here's a taste of what 2007 and 2008 handed me and my family.
Sometimes I miss the good old days. This is Chritmas 2008, Family Reunion 2008 and random back yard fun Spring 2008.

1 comment:

  1. Get ready girl. When I hit 20 I became a mega neat freak in my own room. I think the more school starts to stress you out, the more willing you are to keep your own space clean too and not just the rest of the house. It just makes you feel better (and gives you another way to procrastinate) when your room is clean. Cleaning days are fab when your in the mood!
