
it was good.

Today was another beautiful sunny day in the east of Canada. I paused a couple of times today to look at what I saw around me, at what I was able to do with the day, and it was good. The weather was good; the drive home from the beach was good; the movie I watched was good; the pizza for supper was good; the swim in the neighbours' pool was good.
Then I was tucking my youngest sister into bed, and she asked me if I'd read with her. I was really impressed when she whipped out the book she wanted to read to me. Hannah is right now reading (to herself and by herself) the creation story, found in Genesis, in the Old Testament. She pulled out "the big scripture book" and read me verses 11-31, of Genesis 1, all on her own. It was the cutest thing to hear her reading those words. I've found it hard lately to stay in the habit of reading my scriptures. To hear her so excited to read really helped me to listen to what was being said, and here are a couple things I just loved to hear her read.
(1) "...and it was so." God had plans to create this beautiful earth, that we enjoy each day. He laid them out bit and bit. He spoke of how He wanted it to be, and it was so. He spoke of the plants. He spoke of the creatures (of the air, earth and water). He spoke of the light (from the sun, moon and stars). And it was all created, just so. Just as He envisioned it, just as He planned it, and just as He wanted it. It was so.
(2) "...and God saw that it was good." All things He created were done so in a perfect manner. He took pride in his creation, and knew that it was just right. Each thing He created, for us, was done in a way that He approved. All that He wanted for us was created, and it was good.
(3) "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." We are each children of God, and we have each inherited qualities that He possess. I am so grateful for the this knowledge that I have been taught. Sometimes, as I go through my little life, this simple truth that I have always known grows more and more distant. I know it, but sometimes I don't quite believe it. What are those qualities, He has blessed me with, that make me like Him? What is it, about me, that was made in His image?
It's a pretty great thing to know that He wanted me to be created "in His image," and that "it was so." I love to know that He once looked upon His creation and "saw that it was good." Tonight I needed to be reminded of that, and how glad I am that my sister needed to read that.

1 comment:

  1. It's nice when you can spend time on the computer and be uplifted, without having to go on lds.org. Thanks Kat. I needed those three reminders too! plus its nice to have someone elses interpretation of things.
